Orlando, Florida:
Finnair Flight Academy (FFA) and the Peak Pacific Group today announced the launch of their online content library, eL-hub.com, on the eve of the World Aviation Training Conference and Tradeshow, 2013 (WATS 2013) – world’s largest annual conference dedicated to Aviation Training. eL-hub is an extensive library to meet the recurrent training needs of the Flight Crew and Cabin Crew in a cost effective and timely manner.

“With eL-hub, FFA and Peak Pacific, have made an effort to bring a host of intuitively designed training content to cater to the growing need of cross platform solutions in Aviation world,” said Deeptanshu Tiwari, Peak Pacific’s Regional Business Director. “eL- hub provides easy-to-use & trainee-centric tools that Crew members can use with ease to take the courses anywhere, anytime, while still meeting the International and local training regulations.”

“The launch of eL-hub marks the start of a new era in aviation web-based training. We are committed to providing airline-oriented courseware through an easy-to-use and broadly compatible portal that meets and exceeds the expectations of the aviation industry. Our aim is to set a new standard for efficient and effective pilot and cabin crew training.” said Olli Paasio, Head of Sales and Product Management, FFA eL-hub will be developed as a one-stop shop for recurrent training needs of Flight Crew and Cabin Crew that provides self-paced training content, rich in audio visuals, that allows learners to quickly absorb and retain the knowledge. The courseware is delivered through easy–to-use Learning Management System that will help training departments to have easy administration, tracking and reporting of the crews’ training progress at the same time giving learners ease to access the course from any device they want.

About Finnair Flight Academy

Finnair Flight Academy provides training solutions for pilots, cabin crew and technical staff. FFA has over 60 operator customers in more than 40 countries. The Academy is built around two core assets, our facilities and our people. The quality of our training services relies on the expertise of our people who bring together a rich variety of skills, experience and perspective. Our instructors have extensive backgrounds in airline operations and make Finnair Flight Academy a special place to achieve and maintain the required knowledge and skills in inspiring and motivating environment. Finnair has been a pioneer in e-Learning for more than 20 years and we put the learning in practice in both the cockpit and cabin environments. For more information, visit http://www.finnairflightacademy.com.

For Further Information contact:
Mr Chris Harding

Sales Manager
Email: chris.harding@finnair.com

About Peak Pacific

Peak Pacific is a global leader in providing e-Learning consultancy, Learning Solutions, Managed Learning Services and Products to the aerospace industry. With offices in Hong Kong, India, Singapore, USA, and strategic alliances in Europe, APAC, and the USA, Peak Pacific has a global reach for its solutions and services.
Peak Pacific is an ISO 2008:9001 certified company with over 30 years of management and solution experience in the aviation, learning and development space consistently delivering high quality e-Learning products and solutions for customers globally. For more information, visit http://www.peakpacificgroup.com.

For Further Information contact:
Sanjay Mukherjee

Chief Operating Officer
Email: sanjay.mukherjee@peakpacificgroup.com