Solutions to meet a modern workforce

Solutions to meet a modern workforce

Peak Pacific UK (PPUK) defence is a technology enabled, learning services company. Our team has deep domain knowledge gained over the last twenty years in developing and delivering defence systems approach to training (DSAT) compliant, training needs analysis (TNAs), training plans, learning methodologies, courseware, blended learning solutions, and LMSs (Moodle/DLE), mapped against the training transformation agenda and military policy.

We work collaboratively with customers across the defence community, strategically, in helping to develop overarching technology enabled learning strategies and tactically, in developing learning content for delivery on learning management systems.

We are Moodle specialists with strong defence learning environment (DLE) experience blending appropriate technologies within defence constraints to provide optimum training solutions that meet the requirements of DSAT and JSP822.

The PPUK team has worked extensively across all three services and with prime contractors on specific projects and programmes developing training methodologies, plans and materials for often complex technical programme requirements. We have also been integral to deploying the solutions on the DLE.

Our Services


Content & Materials Development



Training Maturity Paths

Learning strategy that takes into consideration where the organization is in the training evolutionary cycle. Establishing longer term objectives. Conducting a learning and technical infrastructure audit.

Mapping out a way to reach the training objective using technology in the learning blend. It is a form of training health check from which a plan of improvement can be drawn to meet the developing needs of the organization.

Members of the PPUK defence team have experience in working with a number of defence schools to establish how to adopt Training Transformation when working under DTR P2.

Learning Methodologies

Working in equipment programmes for large prime contractors in the land and sea environments, we have collaborated with subject matter experts (SMEs) and training analysts to develop a learning methodology in accordance with adopted TNA objectives, complying with DSAT and JSP822. The outcome must be endorsed and agreed by the military customer.

Training Needs Analysis (TNAs) DSAT/JSP822 Compliant

The PPUK team has conducted TNAs across the military community. Work has included: communications & software systems, training management information systems (TMISs), navigation systems. In accordance with DSAT/JSP822 processes.

Training Media Analysis

Provided in all three services, government agencies and in supporting prime contractors, this work is in establishing the blend of media and technology to be used in developing, delivering and managing the training materials developed.

Training Transformation & Continual Improvement Strategies

The PPUK team has been involved in supporting Training Transformation right across the military since 2004. Our role has been in weaving technology into the fabric of defence training, which continues today. It embodies all that we do. We combine and apply years of experience in developing learning methodologies and content development with military doctrine underpinned by deep domain knowledge and in-depth experience in DSAT/JSP 822.

Technical Delivery Infrastructure Audits

Understanding learning concepts enables our technical team who develop and provide bespoke LMSs, particularly, Moodle and DLE instances, to review system environments appropriacy for these uses.

Learning Audits & Strategies

Establishing what areas of learning need to be developed to meet organisational business objectives. In defence, particularly, to fill gaps in capability for an event where either new equipment or operational activity has changed.

Content & Materials Development

Courseware Design, Development & Delivery

Developed for numerous programmes across all three services supporting operation and maintenance, often used alongside Instructor Led Training (ILT) covering: Armoured Vehicles, Communications Systems (Land, Sea, Air).

Blended Learning Solutions

The PPUK team started using Blended Learning, introducing technology into conventional ILT delivery, in 2008 for the RAF at DCTS, RAF Halton. The results of using this method of ILT development have been very positive.

Simulation & Virtual Environments

PPUK have a lot of experience in developing simulations with commercial clients (eg: airlines, railways) and military applications (e.g.: ISTAR)

Defence Experience

Our defence teams experience includes:

Computer Based Training (CBT)

CBT is a close relation to courseware but generally solely screen based and not specifically designed to be linked to ILT. The defence team have worked on several military and MOD applications (e.g.: MIRANDA, DE&S)

Learning Design to DSAT/JSP822

Sometimes provided in isolation but most often as a part of an end-to-end training programme delivery. It is the essential, post TNA piece in the development process of largely all our work across the defence community.

Bespoke e-Learning

Historically, the PPUK team have developed numerous e-learning programmes delivered on the DLP (defence learning portal) managed by DCTS RAF Halton (c 400 hours). The DLP has now been superseded by the DLE.

Virtual Task Trainers, VR, Mixed VR

We used virtual technologies in a growing number of military projects as replacement for the live environment. Applications have included operator & maintainer training (eg: weapons, communications).

Electronic Performance Support

For use on handheld devices (eg: smart phones, tablets) as aide-memoires for specific, tasks where a sequence may be critical. The PPUK team have worked on early AI programmes for tanks and vehicle maintenance.

Mobile Learning

Use of Crown assets and own devices to deliver learning. Closely aligned to EPSS applications but follows a more formal e-learning structure. The PPUK team developed basic Pashto and Dari language courses for patrols during Op Herrick.

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

The PPUK team have developed and advised on and created numerous LMSs in the corporate business sector for global airline and Petro-chemical customers (e.g.: PeopleFluent, Moodle).

Moodle & the DLE Specialists

We have particularly strong Moodle and DLE credentials having developed content natively in Moodle and using rapid development tools (e.g.: Captivate, Storyline). We are also MOD authorised Moodle practitioners.

Training Management Information Systems (TMIS)

The PPUK teams have experience in designing TMISs with COTS (commercially-off-the-shelf) software for a Royal Navy application.

Training Systems Architecture

PPUK defence has worked with several MOD and Prime Contractors in designing training delivery environments.