Trusted by companies around the world

At Peak Pacific, we aim to help and empower organisations and learners by creating products and services that enable them to become more efficient, effective, and compliant through learning and technology platform solutions.  

With over 15 years of experience in the world of Learning and Learning Technology, we continue to disrupt the status quo by helping organisations move towards a more digital and technology-driven learning, training, and performance monitoring environment. 

Peak Pacific focuses on continuous improvement and innovation, developing cutting-edge products and methodologies that support our holistic approach to create engaging and effective learning experiences.

Our team of experts with industry and technology knowledge have catered to many global organizations, of varied sizes, by understanding their goals and helping them through the complex journey of change. This whole process can be challenging emotionally, technically, and financially.

We provide a personal approach, and believe that every requirement and change needs to address clear goals, outcomes, & expectations.

One Stop Partner

strategic partner for :

In 2008 we started the company with a vision to disrupt how organisations saw learning, training, and technology conventionally. Our goal was to keep people and content at the forefront while showcasing various possibilities with cost-benefit.

With a proven track record for one of the largest airlines in Asia, our Learning Consulting team crafted and expanded the methodology to continue to help many organisations of all sizes across the world to rewire their business through Learning, Technology, and Innovation.

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With our experience of working with organisations in highly regulated and compliance-driven industries, our management team understand the challenges that organisations face to stay afloat in a fast-paced, technology-driven world. This includes LMS selection, data migration or admin, custom content design and development, as well as keeping up with technology, skills, tools, and more.

That is why our business model from the outset has been to reduce the duplication of work, enabling the customer to focus on its core business and allowing us to focus on bringing flexibility, required skills when needed, and global experience. With the overarching commitment to create a financially viable long-term model that is predictable, transparent and provides proven ROI year on year.

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Peak Pacific is a great believer in working with partners. This approach also allows us to support new and up-and-coming niche suppliers to grow and allows us to create an eco-system that benefits our customers by bringing them flexibility, such as short resource scalability, LMS or Exam platforms, VR/AR/MR/3D solutions, and provide a more integrated and holistic partnership. This enables us to manage costs and reduce risks to our customers.

Our Product offerings include PeopleFluent LMS, PeopleFluent Exams and Immerse VR/AR/MR/3D solutions, some of the best products in the market for regulatory and high-consequence industries. Together with our products, and services in many cases, we can integrate the products with other systems to create a more seamless solution with compelling results. To learn more about how we can help, let’s connect and discuss.

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Peak Pacific has always believed that to make a difference in human performance, you need data, not any data, but data by monitoring and checking the practical side and knowledge. Different systems such as LMS, Exam systems, and learning content, have a place for knowledge, but when it comes to combining, knowledge, skills, and attitude (KSA), you need a fit-for-purpose platform. That is why Peak Pacific after several years of research, discussions with customers to understand the complex challenges and industry experts, embarked on developing several SaaS-based product platforms to address digital training records transformation, Competency-Based Training/Assessment, Evidence-Based Assessments, and more.

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The Journey

Peak Pacific is an experienced Learning Solutions and Learning Technology partner you can trust. Our extensive team of industry specialist allow us to understand the organisations’ business, needs and challenges much quicker and more thoroughly than eLearning production companies.

Our focus is on quality learning outcomes, technology-enabled solutions, and platforms, ensuring we are always thinking about the future and scalability for our customers, but not leaving anyone behind.

Peak Pacific’s history shows that as a private company, starting with one customer in Asia, we are now proud to call out that we have some of the most amazing blue-chip companies as customers from around the world, and are a leading and respected player in the industry of learning and technology platform providers.

The focus from day one has been to make a difference, by creating quality, engaging and effective learning solutions and experiences. With over 15 years of experience and individual team experiences that expand far beyond 15 years, we have brought creative learning and technology solutions to our customers.

In addition to our products and platforms, we have been able to bring third-party products to our customers and delivered our promise of putting customers first.