Hong Kong,
Peak Pacific Limited today announced ‘clear’, a new suite of competency-based grading software aimed at providing quality training data and analysis for the aviation industry.

Based on a modular-design, ‘clear’ is a competency-based grading system with seamless online and offline capabilities. Built with industry inputs, the ‘clear’ suite will enable airlines and flight training organisations manage their training administration and license management.

“‘clear’ will bring a new dimension to the airline training experience,” said Kishor Mistry, the Founder & CEO of Peak Pacific Group. “The industry is rapidly adapting the need for quality data when it comes to training and ‘clear’ aims to combine this approach with the ability to create, analyse and report on training data and delivers a solution that will work across devices. The idea behind ‘clear’ is to focus on quality data, analysis and make it available at the operational touch-points.”

Built on Java platform with jpa, jquery and HTML5, the ‘clear’ suite will be available on desktops, laptops and mobile devices. Developed over 2 years with the support and collaboration of various subject matter experts from word class airlines, the ‘clear’ suite is the first of a series of technology and mobility initiatives Peak Pacific is set to unveil in 2014-15.

Apart from grading and analysis, the ‘clear’ suite will include modules for Planning & Scheduling, Training Administration, Qualification Compliance Management, Resourcing & Facility Management, Document Management and License Management, among others.

Peak Pacific will offer ‘clear’ as a behind-the-firewall installation as an Enterprise License and also as SaaS. The ‘clear’ product suite roadmap includes the Enterprise system, modular solutions, Managed Services and a set of productivity and support apps.

About Peak Pacific Limited

Peak Pacific is a business transformation consultancy that designs enterprise learning solutions and technology products for the aerospace and transportation industries. With offices in Hong Kong, Singapore and India, and partners in Europe and the USA, we are able to reach out to customers and provide personal service.

Peak Pacific is an ISO 2008:9001 certified company with over 30 years of management and solution experience in the aviation, learning and development space consistency delivering high quality e-Learning products and solutions for customers satisfied around the world.

Sanjay Mukherjee

Chief Operating Officer
Email: sanjay.mukherjee@peakpacificgroup.com
“Embracing Change through People and Solutions”